Barrel Units (10-60 lb.)
Product Description
Barrel Units are available with process capacities of 30 and 60 lb, and are designed to mount directly on the present Dross Barrels that are used with many low volume melters. Rather than transferring the hot dross directly into the barrel for outside recycling, the operator transfers it into the Dross BossTM Unit, where it may be processed with a small flux addition. Up to 70% of the contained aluminum in the dross is recovered as on-spec metal with less than three minutes of stirring.
Related Products: #200 Molten Return Dross Boss™, Automatic Dross Boss™ Buggies (60-150lb.), Barrel Units (10-60lb.), Hot Metal Return Units (30-300lb.), Portable Unit (35-60lb.), Remote Station Units 300-1000lb.), and the Skim Station Dross Boss™.
Contact us for more information.
Daniel E Groteke
Michael Maravich
810 Botham Ave., St. Joseph, MI 49085
Phone: (269) 983-6859
Fax: (269) 982-0823