Skim Station Dross Boss™
The customer is using this equipment to process drosses generated while flux injecting a 1,300 lb. volume of metal contained in a transfer ladle. The ladle treatment operation produces between 12 – 15 lb. of dross, which is then transferred to the unit Reaction Vessel located in a smoke hood. After an automatic mixing cycle is run, approximately 7 lb. of clean, 383 alloy are collected in the bottom ingot pan for return to the process stream. An average production day treats approximately 90 – 130 ladles, and recovers more than 700 lb. of metal.
Equipped with a 35 lb. nominal capacity reaction vessel and holder, complete electrical controls automation package system for the mixing and processing of hot aluminum dross.
Related Products: #200 Molten Return Dross Boss™, Automatic Dross Boss™ Buggies (60-150lb.), Barrel Units (10-60lb.), Hot Metal Return Units (30-300lb.), Portable Unit (35-60lb.), Remote Station Units 300-1000lb.), and the Skim Station Dross Boss™.
Contact us for more information.
Mark Groteke
Sales & Support
1 North Commerce Park Drive Suite G3 Cincinnati, OH 45215
Phone: (269) 983-6859